How to Conduct
an I-9 Self-Audit

A comprehensive guide to internal I-9 reviews
Regular internal I-9 audits help organizations identify and correct compliance issues before they become costly problems. This guide walks you through the process of conducting a thorough self-audit of your I-9 records.

Understanding I-9 Audits

Internal Audits

Voluntary reviews to ensure ongoing compliance

External Audits

Official inspections by DHS, DOJ, or DOL

Important Note: Internal audits should use neutral, non-discriminatory selection criteria

Conducting Your Audit

Gather all I-9 records
Review current compliance requirements
Create audit tracking system
Set non-discriminatory selection criteria
Document Review
Check for completeness
Verify proper signatures
Review supporting documentation
Identify missing forms
Error Identification
Section 1 common issues
Section 2 verification errors
Section 3 reverification problems
Missing or incomplete information
Correction Process
Employee corrections for Section 1
Employer corrections for Sections 2 & 3
Proper documentation of changes
Handling terminated employee records

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