ICE Audits Are A Reality

ICE Audits Are A Reality
ICE Investigations in 2018 US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigations in 2018 surged by 405% over 2017 to ensure a “culture of compliance.” The agency’s stated goals are to: Prevent the abuse of workers; Deter further illegal immigration; Stop criminal activity, thereby enhancing public safety; EliminateRead more

Why I-9 Compliance is Vital

Why I-9 Compliance is Vital
Last year, US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) quadrupled the number of worksite investigations, a sobering reminder of why I-9 compliance is vital to every employer. These investigations led to a 440% increase in audits, a 560% increase in criminal arrests and an 887% increase in administrativeRead more

ICE Investigations Surge 400% in 2018

ICE Investigations Surge 400% in 2018
US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) investigations in 2018 surged by 405% over 2017 to ensure a “culture of  I9 compliance.” The agency’s stated goals are to: Prevent the abuse of workers; Deter further illegal immigration; Stop criminal activity, thereby enhancing public safety; Eliminate threats to nationalRead more

Purging Your Records

Purging Your Records
Electronic Form I-9 systems have brought efficiency and ease of oversight to the processing, storing, and purging of Forms I-9 like no paper system could ever hope to do. With paper Form I-9 records they were typically just stored away, rarely revisited, and likely never purged. ElectronicRead more

Planning for Revised Form I-9

Planning for Revised Form I-9
As many of you know, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the newly revised Form I-9 on March 8, 2013. The announcement requires implementation of the new Form I-9 by May 7, 2013. During this past week, many of you have asked questions related to theRead more

Revised Form I-9 Released

Revised Form I-9 Released
Lookout’s Development Efforts Already Underway U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced the newly revised Form I-9 is now approved for use. The announcement includes an implementation grace period through May 7, 2013 to allow employers to revise their internal processes to incorporate the use of theRead more